
Remote Computer Repair Services Without Leaving Your Home or Business.

March 24, 2014 | By | 2 Comments on site phone and remote computer repair

Our Remote Computer Repair Services We here at Fix My PC Store are proud of our physical location. We’ve made a lot of changes to our store over the years; as we’ve grown we’ve been able to renovate, creating the ideal environment to best serve our clients’ needs. While we’re very proud of our store, did you know that we also offer on-site repair services? Computer Repair Services | Home or Business We boast about our long-reaching service net which extends to cover the greater West Palm Beach area and surrounding communities within Palm Beach County. While at first that... Read More

Common Computer Abbreviation Definitions

March 10, 2014 | By | 1 Comment Computer Abbrevations

Abbreviations In our travels across the vast open space that is the internet, we often find ourselves puzzled by some of the jargon that goes along with it. With an ever-changing landscape, it is only natural that a slew of acronyms and other computer abbreviations will arise. With the types of technologies, programming languages, and other development tools. To help clear that air a bit, we have decided to provide a list of the more commonly seen acronyms one may come across, as well as provide a brief explanation of what it stands for. ASCII – American Standard Code for... Read More

How to Add Parental Controls to Keep Children Safe

March 5, 2014 | By | 0 Comments Parental Controls

How to Add Computer Parental Controls to Keep Children Safe. As a parent, it is only natural that concerns arise when it comes to the content your children see on the internet. Nowadays each home has a wide assortment of electronic devices, all of which are capable of being connected to the internet at all times. It’s wonderful really, but at the same time it also presents something of a precarious situation. A parent cannot hover of their children every hour of each day, despite their best efforts. The logical solution for anyone overly vexed by the idea of unsupervised... Read More