Internet Connection Issues? It Could be Your Wireless Internet Router.
April 22, 2014 | | 0 Comments
A few tips and tricks for repairing your wireless internet router.
For those of us who lack the luxury of having a hardwired internet connection, or rather, those of us who would sooner drop dead than be tethered by an expanse of cables, wifi internet connections are key. Either way, the advent of internet availability through radio waves is certainly nothing to sneeze at.
The Benched Connection
As with any piece of electronic equipment, our expectations of what the device can provide may not always be met. Wifi connections, in particular, are subject to limitations in the range of the signal. Interference is also a factor in your wifi’s performance. Other devices that also operate on radio waves can inhibit the clarity of your router’s signal. You see, most wireless routers operate on the 2.5 GHz wavelength. Most other home appliances like microwaves, baby monitors, and garage door openers, paving the way for interference.
The solution to this is simple, most routers have the option to modify the wavelength they operate on. This can be done by going in and changing the setting on the actual router. Additionally, there are adapters available on the market which will ensure that your connection operates on the 5GHz level. This is especially good as there are very few devices which utilize this wavelength at the moment.
Hot Like Fire
If you find that your internet connection drops consistently it could be a result of your router overheating. Any electronic device, or really, any machine ever, is susceptible to overheating. As a workload is increasingly levied onto the device, it must work harder to meet the demands that are put on it. While this does not solely cause overheating, it does create the environment that leads to it. With time, an accumulation of dust and other particles can clog up the device’s ventilation source. As it works, it generates heat. With clogged vents, the heat will become trapped within. Over time, the continued exposure to heat will damage the device’s circuitry, ruining it altogether.
Luckily, this is fixed easily. Taking the time to ensure that the device is cleaned regularly will do a lot the prevent overheating. What’s more, when a device is kept cool, it will perform at its intended levels. Users who use an overheating device will notice sharp increases in speed and stability instantly.
Aside from keeping electronics free of dust, keeping them stored in a well-ventilated area is also paramount to keeping them cool. We fully understand that wireless routers are not, perhaps, the most chic items to decorate an abode with, but keeping them tucked away inside of a cabinet or in a drawer will inhibit them from performing. If heat is not allowed to vent outward, it will accumulate inside of whatever fixture it is enclosed in and can eventually lead to overheating, much like in the way that dust keeps heat trapped inside.
Starting Over
While we have showcased just a few common problems, a multitude of other internet connectivity issues may arise. When faced with a router problem, we of course recommend that the user consult multiple sources of information to address whatever technical dilemma ails them. Read the appropriate technical literature (user manuals, guides, etc.), consult a forum on the matter, and of course, Google it! If after going through all of these channels proves to be fruitless, a user can always resort to resetting the device to its factory settings. This is typically achieved by accessing the router’s reset button. It is a little hard to press, though, and for good reason. This will wipe the router’s current configuration, this means that the user will more than likely have to reconfigure it entirely.
To reset your wireless internet router in this manner, first find the reset port on the back of it. the user will notice that is not button, but rather a tiny pinhole. The user must then find something like a thumbtack or the tip of a pen to place inside. Press and hold. Done.
Professional Help
If the d.i.y approach isn’t really your deal, or if you are simply too busy to trifle with matters of this nature, you could always visit your local PC repair shop, like Fix My PC Store. We’ve got a Facebook account if you want to send us a personal message with a wireless internet router issue, or comment below, we will do our best to respond ASAP.