2n2 Tech – Episode 8 – The Top 5 Coolest Tech We Are Going to Expect in 2017 !!
January 6, 2017 | | 0 Comments
Episode: 8
Title: 2n2 Tech – Episode 8 – The Top 5 Coolest Tech We Are Going to Expect in 2017!!
Hosted by: Bryan Pedrazzoli
Audio Transcription
We are counting down on the top 5 coolest tech we are going to expect in 2017!
Well it’s 2017 and I’m wondering what type of cool tech is going to be out this year. Well, I got the list. Lets check it out. Hello and welcome back to 2n2tech. I’m your host Bryan Pedrazzoli. And whats a better way to start a new year by counting down the top five coolest tech that we are going to see in 2017. Starting in 3…2…1.
Number 5: Samsung Galaxy S8 – Samsung has announced that will include a digital assistant. Powered by Viv an artificial intelligence start up that samsung bought earlier this year. Oh and by the way Viv was founded by the same people that actually build Siri. Just an FYI.
Number 4: iPhone 8 – The so called iPhone 8 is said to have an all LCD design and organic LED display for better images. No home button a new screen size and more.
Number 3: Smart Watch made by Google – Circular smart watches will be Googles opportunity to inject new interest into wearable computers. A category that’s been dominated by Apple watch users so far.
Number 2: Nintendo Switch – March 2017 will be a big month for Nintendo fans. That’s when the iconic video game company will release Nintendo Switch. It’s a new gaming console that works on television and doubles as a portable system. Nintendo announced the Nintendo Switch in a 3 minute video this fall. But won’t learn the final details on pricing and launch titles until January 12, 2017.
Number 1: The Xbox Project: Scorpio – Its a more powerful version of the Xbox One. Designed for 4k TVs potentially for virtual reality headset like the Oculus rift. The console will be aimed at gamers who value performance over everything else. Its expected to launch Fall 2017.
Well that’s it for the coolest tech of 2017. So what do you think about the line up? You liked it or didn’t like it? Did we miss something? Please write down in the comments down below. We would like to hear from you. If you liked this video please give it a like and if you really extra enjoyed it please share and subscribe. Thank you and I’ll see you next time.
Show Notes:
Samsung Galaxy S8 – https://www.cnet.com/products/samsung…
IPHONE 8- http://www.forbes.com/sites/gordonkel…
A smartwatch made by Google – http://www.trustedreviews.com/news/th…
Nintendo Switch – http://www.nintendo.com/switch/
Xbox Project Scorpio – http://www.xbox.com/en-US/project-sco…