2n2 Tech – Episode 1 – The Kremlin Says No LinkedIn for You!!!
November 23, 2016 | | 0 Comments
Episode: 1
Title: The Kremlin Says No LinkedIn for You!!!
Hosted by: Bryan Pedrazzoli
Audio Transcription
Hi. Welcome to the first episode of 2n2 Tech. I’m your host Bryan Pedrazzoli and today we’re going to talk about the Kremlin and why they’re blocking LinkedIn! Did the Kremlin really block access to LinkedIn from the Russian people?
Oh yeah they did! A court ruling found that the social networking firm is guilty of violating a data storage law. So LinkedIn is blocked in Russia according to the internet expert and bloggers. Anton Nossik told Reuters in 2014 “The aim of this law is to create another quasi-legal pretext to close Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and all other services.” Could this be the start of an online censorship for the Russian citizens? Not according to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov. He said there were no such concerns. Where’s Putin all this? Well besides riding a shark and apparently a bear, well he plans to do absolutely nothing, and 6 million users in Russia are Linked Out!
If you’re interested in this story I’ll link up some of the articles and description down below.
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Show Notes:
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Washington Post – http://tinyurl.com/jpacchs