2n2 Tech – Episode 5 – Popcorn Time Ransomware Turning Victims into Criminals!
December 15, 2016 | | 0 Comments
Episode: 5
Title: 2n2 Tech – Episode 5 – Popcorn Time Ransomware Turning Victims into Criminals!
Hosted by: Andrew Harris
Audio Transcription
A new type of ransomware that’s turning victims into criminals!
Popcorn Time, not for me. Thank you. Hello, and welcome back to another episode of 2n2tech. I’m your host Andrew Harris. A new ransomware is out and it is more devious then it is brilliant. So what is ransomware? And how is it more devious? Well when ransomware is downloaded onto your computer via trojan horse. After downloading it your computer locks up and all of your files are encrypted. A time limit is in place and a ransom fee will be given. Which can be quite pricey, around $780 bucks. Your probably asking me how is it more devious than that? Well this type of ransomware is called Popcorn Time. No, not the Popcorn Time video streaming app. If you have fallen victim to this type of ransomware you have two options. You can suck it up and pay the ransom or you can send the link to other people. And if you have at least two or more people install these files and pay they will decrypt your files for free. Basically turning you the victim to criminal. I will link some helpful articles on how to protect yourself in the description below.
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Show Notes:
How to protect yourself and get rid of this infection.